rwmj a day ago | next |

If an article ever needed more, larger photographs it'd be this one.

On a related topic, I have a really cool book from the 1970s which contains beautiful cutaway drawings of high technology from the era (everything from telephones to Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactors). Edit: How Things Work, Volumes I & II published by Paladdin. There's a borrowable copy of Vol II at the IA: (can't find if they have Vol I).

jgrahamc a day ago | root | parent |

As a child I had the book "What makes it go?" which was full of illustrations of how machines work:

mhandley a day ago | root | parent | prev |

There's a blast from the past - I had that book too and absolutely loved it. I'm glad I grew up in an era when a child had some hope of thinking they could understand all the technology around them (even though with hindsight, I know that knowledge was extremely superficial).

motohagiography a day ago | prev | next |

these are amazing and beautiful. the singer sewing machine is particularly useful as I use a standing one as a modular synth workstation, but there is a full sewing machine inside it I've never used.